I know... a new summer blockbuster movie, kinda like those road movies that Bob Hope and Bing Crosby used to do?
Does their movie memorabilia hang near each others at the Hard Rock Cafe?
Johnny Depp does a KILLER Elvis impersonation?
NO!... (well maybe, not quite sure 'bout that one)
SO, do ya' give up?... What they have in common is that I dressed up as Jack Sparrow and Mark H. dressed up as Elvis and we picked up our daughters Alex and Jessi at their middle school campus on Halloween day!! They're still not speaking to us! Mark signed a few autographs though and we were both a big hit!
oh you guys are too much...
Do I sense the beginnings of tradition here???
hey crystal! sorry you didn't know about the party... i'll make sure you don't miss the next one!
hey mel! hey susie... i smell a tradition coming...
hi 1kelli1,
welcome to my blog. "Velvet Elvis" is a title of a book by pastor Rob Bell. a small group is studying this book along with the book of John. the title refers to an old velvet elvis painting that the author has in his basement (you could probably read the intro on-line or check it out at the bookstore). thanks for taking the time to read this post.
You two were great Rich. I LOVE the Elvis costume, it is defintely one of my all time favorites.
OMG!!!! THAT WAS SO NOT FUNNY!! I absoloutely died when i saw the figure of elvis standing in the doorway of our school gym. Me and Alex sprinted to the emergency exit and ran as far as we could away from them!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! You guys think that you have ever been embarressed in your life time.......... this is worse. And my father failed to mention the fact that this is my FIRST year of middle school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
I found Jacqui's blog today, which led me to yours.... thought I'd say hello to my "friends I haven't seen in forever"...
I sure do miss California!
Rich, man, you need a new post!!!
AMEN sister susie!
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